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Is Grinding Coffee Fresh Really Best?

Is Grinding Coffee Fresh Really Best?
The short answer is absolutely.
Whether you’re a dedicated coffee connoisseur, or new to home brewing, you’ve undoubtedly come across the debate of pre-ground vs. freshly ground coffee.
So what’s the difference?
Well, pre-ground coffee is all about ease and convenience. But, for the sake of convenience, are you really willing to sacrifice the superiority of freshly ground coffee? We didn’t think so.
So let’s delve into why grinding your coffee beans right before you brew that delicious cup of coffee is so important, starting with some science.
Oxidation & Moisture
Oxidation basically allows the all-important flavour to escape. It’s the destruction of fresh, tasty flavours and textures, caused by a slow breakdown of molecules that occurs when particles are exposed to oxygen.
With coffee, the oxidation process and exposure to moisture particles in oxygen, causes the beautiful aromatic oils to evaporate. These oils are responsible for the vivid, robust flavours of coffee. The ones that make it delicious and irresistible.
Of course, this process happens with beans too, but ground coffee offers a much larger surface area of exposure to oxygen and moisture, meaning the process is sped up.
This is why pre-ground coffee will go stale long before the whole bean. Supposedly, ground coffee only retains its freshness for 30 minutes. Whereas, coffee beans retain ultimate freshness for two weeks or more after being roasted.
So to get the true freshness and flavour out of your coffee bean, you should always grind the perfect amount, right before brewing.
Although you’re undoubtedly now sold on why grinding coffee fresh is best, let’s look at some of the fun aspects behind the reasoning.
#1 - You’ll Have Greater Control Over the Flavour of Your Coffee
Did you know that controlling the size of the grind can help you control the quality and flavour of your coffee?
It’s true! The best part about grinding coffee fresh is the ability to change the grind, based on your flavour preferences.
It also means you don’t have to share the same flavour profile as other coffee drinkers in your household, as you can adjust the grind accordingly.
#2 - You Have Wider Options with Brewing Methods
Each type of brewing method requires your coffee to be ground differently.
For example, if you want to brew using a French Press, you’ll need a coarser ground. If you’d like a shot of espresso, you’ll want a fine ground.
By grinding your coffee fresh before brewing, you can decide which way you’re going to enjoy your coffee that day. After all, life’s too short to be limited to one type of brewing method!

#3 - You’ll Never Have to Drink Stale Coffee Ever Again
We already learnt that the whole bean is always going to be fresher, tastier and more vibrant every time.
By grinding your coffee fresh, you’ll keep all that goodness in for longer, and enjoy fresh, flavoursome coffee every darn day.
Because ain’t nobody got time for sub-par coffee!
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